
a®eMark from eMark ™

My many customers (students of computer 101) have complimented me on my enlightening analogies. When presenting a new or complicated subject I tend to use parables to illustrate the relationship.

Watching the mayors and governors of some of the most ‘progressive’ cities/states in America, (progressive by their own analysis), I have come up with a new analogy.

Those mayor and governors are not blind to what is going on, they just have thick cataracts!

Even though I wear corrective lenses, I could clearly see:

Marchers with picket signs and emotional chants, (and preferably a permit), = ‘peaceful protests’

Starting buildings or cars on fire = RIOT

Permanently blinding anyone with a commercial grade laser, especially officers = RIOT

Throwing bricks, rocks, plastic water bottles filled with anything especially concrete = RIOT

Breaking store windows and doors, and looting = RIOT

Firing professional fireworks at anyone especially police officers = RIOT

Even breaking the wooden picket signs to use as a weapon = RIOT

Firing weapons unless your life was in danger from an immediate assailant = RIOT

Those thick cataracts are blocking the view of some very powerful governors, and mayors, but they are just beginning to see the difference between ‘peaceful protests’ and RIOTS after Millions of dollars of unrecoverable damage, death, and city/state economies that probably won’t recover for 10 years.

I sincerely hope they all schedule cataract surgery soon, or at least their lose their next election to someone that has had those cataracts removed.

‘nuff said.
peaceful, and respectful comments are always welcome.