we have met the enemy, and he is us!

a®eMark from eMark ™

I hardly know where to begin, as there are so many facets to this rebellion. One viewpoint is an oppressed people are peacefully demonstrating. Another, is of the opinion that violent law-breaking resulting in death, constitutes a riot.

The one group tends to believe in, expanded government taking care of our every need, at the cost of our personal freedom. We are not capable of running our own lives, and their government can solve all of our problems, if we just let them.

A job much easier said than done! Along with personal freedom, goes our ability to work hard and be rewarded for that sweat-equity.
The heart of this rebellion knows something is wrong, but cannot put a finger on it.

The vast majority of the press has clearly laid out a case for historical injustice, with implications that today it is even worse!

It is interesting what developed in the Seattle autonomous zone, originally named CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone), then renamed CHOP (Capitol Hill Occupied Protest.)

The ire for the SPD (Seattle Police Department) caused immediate signs to go up, indicating this was a ‘no police zone.’ As time went on, it became apparent that CHOP needed protection, or its own police dept.

Several people with illegal weaponry, (by federal and state laws), assumed the policing duties. While under this new no-police, police protection, quite a few executions occurred. Innocent people died.

Days later the steadfast members of CHOP attempted to write a constitution. Besides the universal distrust of everything white pounded in, since learning their first words, they really are trying to build a conservative government!

Anarchists would not try to create a constitution. Two founders of Black Lives Matter (BLM) are self-proclaimed, ‘trained Marxists’, and they would not want a constitution, either!

In fact, each faction is at odds! The pure George Floyd protesters complained that Black Lives Matter hijacked their demonstration. BLM is finding they are losing their grip on CHOP.

This is because the heart of the black community is conservative, but just doesn’t know it! This will inflame many, and I don’t blame them. It is hard to see that what you want most, is there for the taking, with hard work and cooperation.

I would be furious to finally discover that my lack of real progress was due to over a hundred years of manipulation. Of all the honest discussions I have had with Negro, African American, Black, people of color, I find a universal agreement, they are fighting ‘chain-brain’.

I realize I offended a large portion of the race with two to three of those classifications. That was not my intent. What I wanted to show is the chain-brain effect in action. How many of those are meant to be offensive? Honest answer, none!

How many can be taken offensively? Answer, ALL OF THEM! If tomorrow the black leaders get together and come up with another name, it will eventually collapse to chain-brain.

No one alive today remembers actual chains on their body, due to racism. Chain-brain is unfortunately, alive and well hundreds of years later!

While in a heated, but respectful conversation with a dear friend of mine of whom happens to be black, another younger black man joins our conversation. We love having these discussions. One time a day after we had been sounding like we were ready to hit each other, Jay came into the store where we meet, asking where I was so we could talk some more.

Open discussion is good. You both may say things you don’t mean, but friends get past that and both become better people.

We quietly let the young man give his observations. The first thing he said, shocked me! He said, ‘all black people are stupid!’. I rejected that without even letting him finish his sentence!

He went on to say how his race has been complacent way too long and things were going to change! He told me about ‘chain-brain’, (a new concept to me.)

He said his own parents pounded into him his inferiority! I told him that was not true. He agreed, and said he has a daughter. I said, ‘You can break that chain-brain, by teaching her that she can be whatever she wants to be,’

He said, ‘You aren’t telling me anything I didn’t already know! She, (his daughter) has been taught correctly, and she will have no chains on her brain.

What I see is a Mother-Father family unit moving forward. I am pretty sure he is a Democrat, from his hatred to the Republican party, but I am certain what will end the legacy of chain-brains is conservative methods. Work hard, achieve, succeed.

A muscle becomes stronger when exercised, and conversely, weaker when supported. If you put a healthy arm in a sling for a Month, when you tried to use it you would be shocked how atrophied it would be.

Chain-brain has survived all this time due to special allowances legislated primarily by Democrats! What a racist thing to say! Actually, just the opposite. If you want convince a race that they are inferior, just keep making special allowances for them.

If you are not allowed to exercise that muscle, it stays weakened, and chain-brain perpetuates. There will always be people of all races that are incapable of surviving a capitalistic society, and that is why we have charities.

Charity, just because your skin is black or brown keeps you believing that you must be inferior. The truth is no race is inferior. But, as long as your parents believe and tell their children, chain-brain continues.

‘nuff said.
respectful comments are always welcome.
(thanks to Walt Kelly and his insightful Pogo comics)