adam schiff disease

a®eMark from eMark ™

I’m not sure if the CDC or the World Health Organization has put out the alert just yet, but there is a new, and very contagious disease circulating!

I think patient zero has had the infection for many years, perhaps since 2013?. He’s had obvious symptoms but strangely, the CDC and WHO have been ‘asleep at the wheel’!

The ‘Adam Schiff disease’, (named after patient zero), has two major symptoms. First, it affects the auditory nerve distorting sound, so the patient only ‘hears what they want to hear’.

And the second symptom affects the visual cortex resulting in those testing positive, only seeing what they want to see!

The disease was finally identified when, patient zero actually impeached the President, all by himself! Although impeached, (only the first part of removal from office, done entirely with the U.S. House of Representatives), cooler heads prevailed in the U.S. Senate.

This Adam Schiff disease seems to spread more efficiently than even Covid-19! Shortly after patient zero’s press conference, 95% of all news agencies came down with Adam Schiff disease!

That has also spread to more than half of the House and Senate, almost every actor, musician, and even dozens of Mayors and Governors!

It has made its way into some of the top tech companies in the U.S., including twitter, twitch, Facebook, YouTube, Amazon, and Google!

There is a serious side-effect. If you have Adam Schiff disease, you will deny it, to your dying day! People with Adam Schiff disease see everything through color filtered lenses, they see illegal as legal, and even wrong as right!

Lately they have even seen what we all know to be riots, as peaceful protests! Breaking things, robbing stores, burning things, hurting and killing people including police officials does not qualify as peaceful, but Adam Schiff victims will insist they saw peaceful demonstrations.

I can give you a test that determines if you have Adam Schiff disease. It’s a one question test that will absolutely determine if you have fallen victim to this terrible infection.

Did President Trump tell America to inject bleach in their veins to prevent the Corona Virus? (Yes) (No)

If you selected ‘Yes’, oh my God, you have it too! Head immediately to your nearest hospital! Although there is no cure, it has been weakened by turning off CNN and CNBC.

Some have cured themselves by learning to reject those aural and visual distortions. They healed themselves by resisting their beliefs that everything they think is correct.

To become fully cured, they had to stop thinking that they alone know how to make the World better, and any method is justified, to make it that way.

Some of the patients became free of the Adam Schiff disease just a few days after reading the U.S. Constitution!

‘nuff said.
respectful comments are always welcome.