Change is hard.

Few would disagree that something has gone wrong with racial connections in the United States. Historically, we went off the rail somewhere. This is an attempt to find that derailment, and hopefully suggest ways of getting back on track. Answers aren’t always pretty but hopefully they will be effective. Just as a doctor sometimes has to inflict pain to begin the healing, I fear this process might follow that same path.

I fully admit to having bias. I don’t deliberately bias myself, but my common sense biases me. I am not one that follows convention for the sake of convention, so, I seem quite rebellious at times. There is a staggering amount of evidence that a particular political party and a three-letter agency has been a big part of the derailment of our racial unity.

I have no doubt that a strong majority today, want to get over this racial tension. We all want to move forward to a time when skin pigment has no bearing, and all Americans are given equal chances on a level playing field.

That is all of us except those in charge, the three letter agencies, and the D.C. elites that fund them. A big part of our derailment belongs to LBJ (President Lyndon Baines Johnson) and his coordination with a three-letter agency. But this train was jumping the track as far back as 1865!

A crazy large portion of minority voters have written in one party, pulled one lever, punched one ticket, or pressed one button for over a hundred years! Why is that? What is the magic force that makes that happen over and over again? Does that party do such a great job for those minorities? No. I can not only prove it, but anecdotally it is obvious. Has that party made them happier today than they were fifty or even a hundred years ago?

This is where I may burn off a few liberals. Joe Biden has made his whole career all about government. He learned that in politics perception trumps reality every time. That is why he will present a story that promotes his stature at the expense of reality time and time again. (this is not the time for a, “Yeah, but Trump…”).

This is just about one man and his party. The man that had no compunctions bragging he finished ‘top in his class’ when he was lower than average. The man that had a great grandpop that was a coal miner, Joe then went on to plagiarize the words of British politician Neil Kinnock with a tale of his great grandpop that never worked a day in the mine, spent 12 hours there and then came up to play football.

His embellished stories backfired and cost him a run for President in 1987! In fact, Joe Biden was the second candidate from the party of LBJ to drop out of that 1987 presidential race for “questions of character & integrity”. Joe Biden himself admitted to dropping out of the presidential race over being caught in lies and being exposed for his plagiarism.


Permit me to flog a dead equine for just a moment, cause I am sure not everyone sees Joe’s departure from reality.


His own White House has had to ‘walk-back’ his statements over 148 times so far, and that is with about 400 days, where he made no comments as he was ‘on vacation’! Here is a highly left-leaning news org, (MSN’s) report about Joe Biden’s history of fantasy created to gain political brownie points:


They never ‘walked-back’ his statements like ‘worse than Jim Crow’ when referring to the voter regulations in Georgia that were less restrictive than his home state of Delaware. His hatred for Donald Trump has him calling all Trump supporters, MAGA terrorists, his downplaying of a murder by an ‘illegal’ (his word at the State of the Union address, later ‘walked-back’ by his White House), that under the current law should not have been here to commit. Joe asked how many murders, as if a few are allowed!

How many congressmen were shot a that baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia in the summer of 2017? Ten, five, two? Would it matter if it was just one? Biden was happy to call a bill the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ when after its enactment he and most Democrats admitted that was not the bill’s purpose. Obviously, the lie was just a tool to obtain a political objective. All Joe’s political life, truth, took a backseat to his advancement.

Why pick on Joe? Because he is President now and is working out of LBJ’s playbook! Maybe he has some help from a former president and/or is leftover staff, but he is performing the LBJ Concerto like a maestro! Give them rope, not too much, publicize the giving, blame the lack of rope length to the other guys, and promise more rope if reelected, all while using the rope to bind them tighter to your loyalty! Then, just rinse and repeat for a hundred years!



Here’s an excerpt from an historical report in 1865 or so

The wild rejoicing on the part of the emancipated colored people lasted but for a brief period, for I noticed that by the time they returned to their cabins there was a change in their feelings. The great responsibility of being free, of having charge of themselves, of having to think and plan for themselves and their children, seemed to take possession of them…To some, it seemed that, now that they were in actual possession of it, freedom was a more serious thing than they had expected to find it. Some of the slaves were seventy or eighty years old; their best days were gone. They had no strength with which to earn a living in a strange place and among strange people.

Does this one phrase explain the loyalty to a party not serving you well?

…”freedom was a more serious thing than they had expected to find it.”

Here’s a recollection of a 17-year-old slave owner’s son, concerning advice his father gave the freed:

He told them that he had no further control over them, that in the future he would pay them for services such as wages as would be established in the community, and that if they wished to remain in his employ they could do so as long as they desired; but that if any of them wished to find new homes, they were at liberty to make a change. He assured them of his friendly interest in them and of his desire to see them do well and be happy. He told them of the altered conditions that would surround them under freedom and urged them to cultivate habits of thrift and industry, which would make them useful citizens and self-respecting men and women.

It looked like things were going towards better times and good will. What broke this progress? Other minorities rose from oppressed to equals, the Irish, the Chinese, the Asians, the Hispanic… Why not the negro, colored people, African-American, blacks, people of color.

I contend the party of LBJ was and is impeding this transformation at the highest levels. Originally it was to keep slaves, then it was to prevent respect and competition, later their motive morphed into the most dangerous yet, to seize and keep power! That is why I have incessantly kept calling the Democrats the party of LBJ. He laid the plans to own the black population for a hundred years!

Maybe it’s just me, but when a party tells me they are going to help me and 50 years later I still need a lot of help, I would become a bit suspicious. When you try to show me all the good things the party did for Jews or Blacks, I don’t see it. Did you know the advent of welfare accentuated the growth of ghettos?

Show me a nice welfare neighborhood. Now, I have the great advantage of Thomas Sowell to point things out to me. They did not. Why are there no Jewish ghettos? Historical documents show LBJ was a terrible racist, he would not even call his black chauffeur by his correct name and more than not he called him the “N”-word!

So why did LBJ pass the Civil Rights Bill? Some accounts say he saw that the blacks were moving forward too fast, and it scared him. He wanted them to feel good about what he gave them, and in turn, they would be beholden to his party. A rough quote accredited to LBJ goes something like, ‘This Civil Rights Bill will have them “N”-word’s voting for Democrats for the next hundred years!

But even those hearing what he said, would still keep voting for that same party! Partly due to self-denial, and also the ‘it is hard to change’ syndrome! It was ‘hard to change’ over to the Republicans, especially to a party that wants to make you responsible for your actions, and that requires you to work hard and find your own way forward. And you are coming from a broken educational system, so you have one hand tied behind your back!

Also, your pay was inferior, and if felt impossible to become successful by most standards. Things did not get better either. Thomas Sowell explains that when welfare was offered, it only solved an immediate problem, food on the table. He was not sure if those elites were aware or not, but their welfare programs broke the traditional black family!

It enabled single-parent families, that more often than not caused single moms to raise kids without traditional values, and that spiraled downward to unsafe neighborhoods, drugs, gangs, shootings, and that nasty ball of wax!

Just as LBJ was afraid of the black community achieving greatness, his party had them just where they wanted them. Lifetime voters. If you want your welfare, you damn well better vote my party back in! I know this sounds evil, but after watching all the ‘effort’ and hundreds of billions of dollars LBJ’s party pumped into the supposed enrichment of the black community, I see not only very little progress, but I would argue it has clearly gone backwards in the last 25 years or more!

Racial division delays real progress for the black community. And the party of LBJ has sown the seeds of racial discourse! A few billion into some nice sounding bills that are supposed to help and then widespread accusation that the other party are racists! Stoke the fires to riot level, and those billions are wasted. Pass another high dollar bill with a name to appear it is for the black community’s advancement and if things get too good highlight a fluke injustice and send the blacks back into rage!

This is how so much money can be wasted for so many years and still keep everybody on the plantation! If anyone wanted to do the research, they would see the Republican party was the party of Lincoln. The Republican party fought for their freedom. The Republican party risked their lives to spirit slaves away to free states, but when given freedom and all of its responsibility many especially older slaves chose to stay on the plantation! It was all they knew and that change toward responsibility was hard.

But every time the black community was recovering and starting to thrive, the Democrat party pulled an “LBJ”. Some may say yeah, but that was in the olden days, it’s not like that today.

I am so glad you brought that up, because proof of that ‘nothing has changed’ myth occurred in the years 2016-2020. In less than four years when the party of LBJ lost control of the White House, things changed! To be clear it is not all Democrats, there are Republican elites drunk with power playing along too, which proves the old saying, ‘power corrupts’. It is the relatively underinformed little people that are being played.

Donald Trump funded HBCU (Historical Black Colleges and Universities), loosened regulations, which the other party told you was only for the rich, but in truth added rocket-fuel to the jobs market producing good paying jobs, low gas prices, affordable food and housing, and an adventuresome stock market!

Here’s another false accusation from the party of LBJ, they say the stock market is only for the rich like Nancy Pelosi, (at that time the leader (Speaker of the House) of the party of LBJ, which outperformed all of Wallstreet’s gurus by perfectly ‘timing the market’, getting in ‘low’ and selling ‘high’! as she & her husband flawlessly executed miraculous trades again, and again!

But the truth is you can put 50 bucks into an on-line account and when the market was hot like it was in those pre-covid days it was hard to lose money! Everyone, even the little guy was growing income and feeling pretty good in those ‘Trump years’.

That is exactly why the party of LBJ had to shake things up! They are very good at that, and caused enough anger to riot, burn, loot, destroy, and resist the current successful administration. You see, if things stayed good for too long the party of LBJ would dwindle, as all they are good for is ‘helping’ victims. (Carrot on a stick type of help.)

Locally a Wendys fast food restaurant burned to the ground, thanks to the incitement from the elites in Washington D.C. They advised all their ‘victims’ to get in the face of any Republican, in a gas station, at a restaurant, and tell them they are not welcome. They convinced their “victims’ to destroy historical monuments. You see, history shows how far we have come and makes you feel less like a victim, and the party of LBJ wants you to stay in the ‘victim column’! They had us convinced the Civil War was last year!

But it took a blundering man that panicked, to begin to drive some off the plantation. He saw the potential of what Trump had accomplished, before their ‘Plan -B” and Covid hit! Joe Biden did not want that to happen, and since many got a taste of the good life, he needed more victims, stat! So, he broke the border and allowed an estimated 20 million in without vetting, and we recently discovered he also clandestinely flew in another 200,000 from all over the world!

But in the process, he convinced a large block of blacks, mostly male that they were better off with Trump. This is the largest movement away from the LBJ plantation ever. But even if Donald Trump wins, the party of LBJ will resist, riot, burn, loot, and destroy because that is what they do when they don’t win.

And sadly, if they succeed in getting their illegal immigrants voting rights, which is clearly their plan, there will never be another Republican president. 99% of all immigrants, if not 100, will vote for the party of LBJ.

Let’s look at another specific minority, the Jews. 2018 data shows Jews voted Democrat 75% of the time! In 2018 there were several members of Congress (all Democrat) that were openly antisemitic, and the rest of the Democrat party was hesitant to sanction those members for their egregious actions!

If I was a Jew, that would have made me change my vote, but so far it hasn’t made much of a difference! Just like the wife who won’t leave her husband that beats her weekly, and just like the slaves when given their freedom that chose to stay with their former masters, change is hard!

They have been ostracized, threatened, roughed up, denied access to university and college libraries, with very little support from the party of LBJ. I will be totally shocked if even 15% of the Jewish population in the U.S. leave the plantation, and come over to the Republican party, that immediately condemned the Pro-Palestinian/Hamas protesters and has been in full support of the Jews in the United States, as well as those in Israel!

Change is so hard…

Respectful comments are always welcome.

a right is not always a duty

a ®eMark from eMark ™

This will probably be short and sweet, well at least short. Voting is a right. For some more than others it’s a hard-earned right. For everyone it’s a highly respected right. But I argue that voting is not a duty.

The implication is that you must vote whether you know who is running or whether you have an opinion whether you have researched you must show up at the polls and do your duty and vote.

This is wrong! You will do more damage to the freedom of this country by voting when you don’t have a working knowledge of the candidates or their platforms.

Actually you mathematically do twice the damage of a single, informed voter!

How is that possible? assume there is a right candidate and a wrong candidate. If you choose idly and choose the wrong candidate you have doubled your vote against the right candidate. By not voting at all the wrong candidate does not receive a vote. 

Had you been informed, and voted for the right candidate you would have moved him two positions higher than by voting for the incorrect or wrong candidate by not understanding what you were doing.

So by voting for the wrong candidate when you really wanted the right candidate you have done twice the damage of a single voter. In my humble opinion, if you are not informed your duty is, to not vote.

Voting is truly your right and becoming educated about the candidates, and the effects of their platforms to your values, is your duty, but if you don’t do a little research, stay home and avoid damage to our democratic republic.

’nuff said
Comments are always welcome.

Our Virtual World

a ®eMark from eMark ™

Before computers were injected into our lives, we experienced life in an analog fashion. I am not arguing worse or better here, just pointing this out.

It matters because all of our thought processes have changed as the digital tech has grown around us. We could have a good discussion as to whether our own brains operate analogically or digitally.

Our synapses are firing and chemicals mixing and the resulting magic that we call ‘conscientiousness’ happens. Some argue that we are all just pretending, none of this is real. Some say that is just a ‘cop-out’ to avoid the harshness of reality.

But whatever makes us ‘aware’ has changed radically in just my lifetime. As a ‘Baby Boomer’, (the label of my generation), I have clearly witnessed (more so than most), the change in the way we perceive ourselves.

Hey! Why do you think you see more than most? Are you a brainiac? Did you get spiritual intervention?!

Here, I thought it was necessary to ‘troll’ myself. No, I am not a Mensa, and I don’t have a hotline to God, but I am intrinsically a part of a small group that talks to me, I guess genetically?

I, since that gap after birth until awareness have known I was, and still am, a philosopher. What? What the hell does that mean? To me it means if I was born thousands of years ago, Plato would be my best friend.

Just as sports fans discuss the latest games, and doctors the latest cures, Plato and I would discuss the human condition, why we do what we do and how we tick. This does not make me elite or special, just different.

Great people come in all flavors, colors, sizes, packages, genders, etc.., everyone has their ‘thing’ that makes them valuable to their community, or they have a gaping hole in their existence.

In my life my ‘gaping hole’ has been filled by mass communication while in my radio career as a DJ and Production Director, and as an IT professional with the Home Depot, IBM, and my own computer business.

But in my heart, I have always been (and will always be), a philosopher. My portal of awareness starts at why? Why are we here? Why do we think? Why do we act? Why do we need to communicate? How much of what we see is truth?

I’m not flipping out here, as some may think. These are comfortable questions to a philosopher. We are driven to look for answers, but not lost or depressed if they are not found. Truth is always ‘out there’, as Fox Mulder says. Not necessarily about aliens but I believe the truth is always out there, just out of reach.

Now this is an area of contention with some I have met. They want a secure World where they have all the answers. (If you are one of those, it might be best to just say, ‘hogwash’ and stop reading this article.)

I am content to always look for truth, knowing I keep getting closer but probably will never attain it completely. That allows me to accept the concept of infinity, something that never started, and never ends. It just is.

As a philosopher that questions everything, I am aware of our ‘rose-colored glasses’ we all wear that assumes everything is here just for us.

Think about that. Some of our biggest fallacies throughout history have come about due to this focused view. All the stars revolve around the Earth, surely, if it is all here just for us, that would be true!

And I remind you, the brightest minds of our times have been mistaken, more times than not throughout history. I predict that trend will continue. Some truth is usually gained, but there is always room for refinement.

Philosophy is a science, and to be truthful, all sciences are always lacking some degree of truth. This will really bug some Scientists, as they by nature seek the perfect answer and most aren’t happy until they find it.

For that reason, (financial gain I would assume), and for ‘the good of all mankind’, they sometimes rush to judgement with an hypothesis.

IMHO, there are a few Scientists that are willing to hear all sides, allow opposing views that tear away at the new theory, (even if grant and funding losses would result), to get that much nearer to the truth.

Today’s science is highly colored by the funding those Scientists get, or don’t get. There are documented cases where a Scientist with opposing ideas to what is popular, have lost all their funding. Others have been sued for just using charts (of other Scientists) to show opposing ideas.

I am sorry to get so negative here, but truth can sometimes be ugly. Sometimes the truth can be amazing. Quantum computers, gene-splicing (about to eliminate several diseases), self-driving transportation, and virtual reality.

That last one is my topic of interest within this article. What is virtual reality? Movies have taught us it is a playground of holograms (ala, Star Trek, or Minority Report), but the Philosopher within me believes we have already slipped in a virtual reality and are not aware of it!

BC, (before computers) we only had our imaginations for escape. That’s not really true, as there were drugs, and games and music and poems and all the arts, really.

But, as computers grew up we had other escapes. It started as a square ‘ball’ bouncing on the screen and today with the right monitor or headset you could be fooled into believing almost anything!

Many eye-popping special effects in today’s cinema are CG (computer generated). Now that line, although it is getting blurrier day by day, is still easy to recognize.

The one we have already crossed into, not so much. From my perspective, our senses, (tools of perception) have been hijacked long ago. We transitioned from our reality (never completely there if you ask me), to this current virtual reality we live within today.

Obviously, Silicon Valley built our Virtual World that we have accepted as our new reality. No one wants to look too close or object for fear of ostracization. Everyday reality is bent by a small minority of tweeters, for one example. Selfish algorithms coded to addict everyone, almost entirely for monetary gains, are warping our reality.

From my philosophical point of view, we are easily herded from one reality to the next. We are led to believe these are conveniences of our own choosing, but in truth we are just going away from reality to whatever the programmers code next, and ultimately that is what addicts us further and makes more money and power.

It is interesting that most of us would like to be wealthy. Thousands and we crave more, Millions, enough to live comfortably should be enough. But, Billions are only good for one purpose and that is to exercise power.

The tech companies that have achieved Billions are targeting our reality the most. I can only assume that the Billionaire owners think we should all live within a virtual reality of their choosing. This is the ultimate high for a Billionaire, controlling the World.

Philosophically observing those motives, I see a god-complex that believes they alone can make a better World. Those huge financial resources allow them to bend reality with social media, advertising, and today, a majority of news outlets.

If this was not true, how can so many people be wrong? What? Who am I to say of whom is right or wrong? I agree, but let’s apply some simple reality here. There are two diametrically opposed groups in this country today, right? Each comprises about half of all the voters.

If the ‘A-group’ is right, why so many wrong ‘B-groupers’? And if the ‘B-group’ is right, why so many confused ‘A-groupers’? I propose our ‘Billionaires with better ideas’ are responsible. (Actually, we are responsible for our own actions, by one standard), but our ‘Billionaire drug dealers’ serving up pure psycho-addicting virtual reality doesn’t make our choices any easier!

Try an experiment on a friend. It does not matter which political view they hold. Just tell them something that their news service wrote but reverse the names. I’ll bet they follow the news slant either way rather than care about the action taken. The binary hatred is ‘baked in’ by the Billionaires.

If we ever escape this virtual reality we could once again have meaningful conversations with differing views and each change a little by any new information presented. Funny, but I’ll bet you think that crazy idea is a fantasy from a virtual World?

‘nuff said
respectful comments are always welcome

a cold dose of reality

a ®eMark from eMark ™

A bit over a year ago someone pretty famous said he believed his meetings were being “tapped using microwaves”! Social media went crazy making silly Memes showing microwave ovens, and hilarious cartoons displaying the total absurdity of it all.

We had an absolute ball and once again proved how intelligent we were compared to that “buffoon”. Ahhhh, Social media is soooo self-satisfying! I rock, and anyone that believes differently, DOES NOT!!

Those incredible scientists at the MIT Media Lab have been at it again. This time it’s a time-of-flight MICROWAVE camera that can see through solid objects, like walls. Don’t we feel stupid making fun of “microwave ovens seeing through walls”.

The word “oven(s)” was inserted by the fake news. If we get a full view and not just stare at the “rear end” of the “elephant on the hill”, we could learn a whole lot more.

Our vision of what is on the hill is somewhat correct, viewing the posterior with its wagging tail, but the observer from the side and the front are also somewhat correct.

Remember that when we declare, “I am right, so you cannot possibly be as you are saying something way different!” The full truth only comes from sharing with others’ points of view.

nuff said 
respectful comments are always welcome.

I had a dream… no, literally, me, eMark from ®eMark, had a dream!

a ®eMark from eMark ™

I had a dream… No, literally, me, eMark from ®eMark™, had a dream!

Believe me, I know the power, and well-earned respect Dr. Martin Luther King’s golden words command. I admit, I had second thoughts about penning this.

The reason I want this published, is because of Dr. King. He literally gave his life to make a better one for generations to come. He stood for an unwavering movement to achieve equality, equity, and respect for roughly 13% of us Americans, that were forgotten, especially in the years he preached and marched.

My dream is founded in the present-day opinions of many Civil Rights leaders, some that walked side by side with Dr. Martin Luther King. Black men of great stature and reverence. Men like Roy Innis (passed away at 82, in 2017), Andrew Young (88), Bob Woodson (83), Larry Elder (68), Leo Terrell, (65), made his switch to conservatism within this year!

In my dream, Dr. Martin Luther King was never shot, and at 88, (days after Donald J Trump took office), Dr. King ask for and was granted a meeting in the White House. Trump listened to Dr. King’s ideas and ask his cabinet to move forward on many of those improvements.

You say, Ha! What total fantasy! Several famous black men and women not only had audience with President Trump, but got results, (prison reform, commuted sentences, pardons, and added protection to any city that will ask for it, to mention a few.)

Most of those hallowed black men I mentioned, were at one time, Democrats. Observation, over the vast number of years these men were in leadership roles, convinced them there was credence and real progress in conservative values.

So, it is very feasible that, were he alive today, Dr. Martin Luther King might very well have found conservatism to be the authentic, permanent, repair to racial inequities. Wise men discovered that going for the ‘shiny object’ is a fool’s errand. Real change come from legal fairness, hard work, and daily earned respect.

‘nuff said
respectful comments are always welcome

never will microsoft, apple, comcast, cox, charter, gas, electric, social security, fbi, or cia ever call you!

a ®eMark from eMark ™
Never will Microsoft, Apple, Comcast, Cox, Charter, gas, electric, Social Security, FBI, or CIA ever call you!

I’m sure most reading this already knew that, but I am writing to warn you of the peril you did not see coming. Almost everyone cares for an older family member or friend, that is prey for those disgusting lowlifes!

Yeah, I know! I have warned my friends and family all about this. Not an issue. Yep! That’s exactly what I thought until this morning. I got a call. ‘Hello?, Hey Ryan. Your Mom did what! Called a number on the screen? They said they were Microsoft and wanted a lot of money by using gift cards?

Then she got another call saying they were her bank calling. The bank said in order to catch the bad guys, just go ahead a pay them the $8000! The bank said they would reimburse her. She was told to ‘go to Target and get sixteen $500 gift cards’???

She went to 6 different places and at each she denied that she was caught up in a scam?’ Each store asked more than once, suspecting something was wrong?

‘So, she brought home all sixteen $500 gift cards and scratched them off, and read the numbers to the bank agent? So, the funds could be reimbursed she gave them her bank account number, credit card number and PIN and CVC code??

So, now your Mom calls you, thinking something may not be right?? And now you would like me to clean all malware, and forensically examine her computer to discover what else they may have stolen?’

I was able to see the browser history and show how they used log-me-in rescue to remote in, to go into her email, bank account, retirement account, Amazon and purchase a $500 GoPro camera, and use ‘forgot password’ to reset her bank web account, able to get the code through her email. They tried to transfer her money out but couldn’t figure out how to use Zelle! She was simply ‘filleted like fish’! 

I found she had Malwarebytes Premium and the ‘vermin’ were blocked future access, after they left, but there is unfortunately, no way for Malwarebytes to stop her from inviting the scammers in and volunteering all of her information!

Ryan went on to say, ‘I have told her never take calls from anyone about your computer unless it is eMark or me! She didn’t “take’ the call…

She made the call! We just didn’t see that one coming!’

My forensic examination showed she stumbled on a website that locks you into a webpage and blasts you with warnings that ‘you are infected’ and if you do anything but call this number immediately, you will lose all your pictures, music, and documents,!

The truth is, if you just turn off the sound, hold shift, control and escape, then let go of all three keys, then right-click on the browser you were using, (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, etc..) and choose ‘end task’ (from the context menu shown), it will all go back to ‘nasty-land’.

Your computer will be alive and well, with no infections, no need to crash out of Windows, reboot, panic, or call anyone!

But if you don’t teach your elderly friends this one, easy trick, they may be out $8000 bucks and all their life’s memories!

‘nuff said
respectful comments are always welcome.

(not-so) short and sweet on covid-19 (post now has two updates that are shocking!)

a ®eMark from eMark ™
‘short and sweet on Covid-19’

There’s an interesting two-edged sword at work. If you try to compare the 80,000 deaths we experienced in recent years due to the common flu, immediately people point out we have no vaccine yet This is different!

But vaccine or not we have experienced amazingly large amounts of Flu death with little or no action from the CDC or the World Health Organization.

History will look back at this and see that we’re all in an ‘over-stimulated fear-state’, just as we were when the movie ‘Jaws’ came out about swimming with sharks!

Afraid to stick our toe in the water when the facts are one shark death occurs every two years in the US.

The vast majority of death count due to Covid-19, is elderly and immune deficient that were not properly insulated from the public.

This virus will not survive ‘herd immunity’ unless it mutates, or China continues to manipulate it in military labs.

You may not believe this now but the history books will prove it out.

’nuff said
respectful comments are always welcome.

*Note: Although just posted here, I wrote this and posted on July 13th, 2020. Two months later, Dr. Li Meng Yan, a Virologist working in Hong Kong claims to have proof Covid-19 was genetically made in the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) military level-4 lab in Wuhan.

Dr. Li says it was altered to specifically make an animal-only Corona virus into one that would infect humans! She appeared on Tucker Carlson’s commentary show, on the Fox News Channel saying the way the genome is constructed proves it was not natural. She states there is a ‘fingerprint’, in the genome that proves it was manually edited.

You know, we now have tech that can literally clip the rungs out of DNA with great precision! Those clippings appear differently compared to natural DNA.

Li went on to say the CCP made this ‘weapon’ with intent to do harm to the rest of the World. This is the third person to come forward with this accusation.

The first whistleblower Dr. Li Wenliang, frantically tried to tell the World about the dangers of this novel Corona virus, in December, 2019! the CCP arrested him and removed his posts! He died presumably of the novel Corona Virus in early February, 2020. The second whistleblower, (Dr. Ai Fen) disappeared after going public, presumed either, to be imprisoned by the CCP, or dead.

Also the CDC has clarified their stats on Covid-19. Their website now explains that only 6% of all reported Covid-19 deaths had no other contributing health condition! This means as of this writing, (Sept 20, 2020), approximately 12,000 deaths were attributed ‘only to Covid-19’!

The other 188,000 have 2 to 3 other health issues that contributed to their demise! All deaths matter. I wonder if the same ‘yardstick’ was used in 2018 how the 80,000 deaths due to Influenza would look?

donald j trump is the most unpresidential president ever!

a ®eMark from eMark ™
the most unpresidential President ever!

As a lifelong Democrat only recently turned conservative, still insisting to be an independent, and everyone knew me as Nancy! (Shout out to the Beatles), I still stand by the ®eMark,
‘Donald J Trump is the most unpresidential President ever!’

The unpresident has broken the mold. Trump has ripped away the curtain and exposed the great Wizard of Oz!

If you didn’t already know what was behind that curtain, you have not been paying attention. Open microphones, (‘after the election, I’ll have more flexibility’), scandals including young female interns, (Monica Lewinsky), Marilyn Monroe, a constant barrage of promises that never seem to materialize, even dishonest manipulative phrases so we can justify a war or maybe just a skirmish, (‘weapons of mass destruction’?)

And most of all, while all that is going on, what makes a President ‘presidential’ is the smoothness, the grace, the silken’d verbiage, (that mostly comes from speech writers), and the ability to keep all of this hidden behind the curtain!

Yes, President Donald J Trump has shown us all what was hiding just out of sight. I, and roughly half of America got ‘fed up’ with the ‘presidential facade’! We decided we needed a businessman, not a politician in that most executive office.

He would never airdrop a pallet packed with a Billion American dollars (of hardworking taxpayers’ money), onto a terrorist’s tarmac! He said he would only fight necessary wars, and so far, he has started none! He said he would, and has brought troops home. 

He said he would work hard for America, and before the pandemic he had achieved record unemployment among blacks, Hispanics, women, while stimulating new businesses, and encouraging the mega businesses to come back to U.S. soil.

He did what the previous President promised and secured our borders. He also did something else the previous President promised and enacted prison reform.

Oh, and he did what three or four previous Presidents promised but never got around to doing, and moved the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem. Yes, several Presidents had eight years to fulfill that promise, but the unpresident did it in less than half of one year!

Do you see a pattern here? Butter rum smooth presidents promise and then, just can’t quite… get there! Maybe next time? Vote me back in! I’m sure I can do it the next time! (Lucy:) ‘Okay, Charlie Brown, I promise I won’t let go of the football this time!’

We live in a free country but ripping the cover off of one big scandal in Washington DC seems to be impossible. How do so many relatively ordinary people get elected, and come out Millionaires??

If they saved every penny of their salary and invested it wisely, they could never hit the numbers they have when they leave office. It would be really interesting to watch the dollars and cents from our previous President before and after his 8 years as President.

How dare you try to look behind the curtain! It is not permitted! A president is to be loved and admired! You must believe, no matter what!

Trump donates his Presidential salary to charity. Trump tries to shy away from large donations to his campaign, so he doesn’t feel obligated to wealthy donors. Trump has and said he is willing again, to use his own money in his campaign if needed.

How unpresidential of him! And worse, you always know what he thinks, because he tells you! At 3AM from his Twitter account, almost daily press briefings even when there’s little time. It is common to find him fighting the noise of the helicopter he’s ready to a board, answering tough questions from antagonizing news reporters.

Trump is the most transparent President of all time! Liberals find that offensive! Presidents are supposed to rarely, with great pomp and circumstance, wow America with their silken speeches and milk and honey promises. A chicken in every pot! Those were the great Presidents.

I prefer a president who swears on microphone, tells me exactly how he feels and does what he says. I prefer a president who promises me if I work hard, I can get ahead and he’ll clear the way for that. I prefer a President that is brash and egotistical enough to tell foreign leaders to finally start paying their fair share for their own security.

I prefer a president that gets up early works hard and is ready to do it again the next day. I prefer a President that does not believe it takes four to six years to pass a Bill. I prefer a president who thinks of himself as America’s cheerleader.

My first Republican vote went to the most unpresidential President ever, and I’m glad it did.

’nuff said
respectful comments are always welcome

the buck stops here!

a ®eMark from eMark ™
‘the buck stops here’

Sometimes, a simple idea can become a lot more complicated. We all know the answer to exactly where the ‘buck stops’. The traditional response is at the top, of course! But, does it really?

Hmmmm? Let’s take a look at our government. Right here, there will be a major split in thinking. Baby boomers, even those getting ‘D’s’ in History and Civics know how our country’s power is structured.

On the other hand, Students taught after the turn of the Century, (2000, that is, not 1900!), Don’t seem to be able to explain the tri-level power structure bolted into our framework.

I will avoid this ‘rabbit hole’ as to why those students were never exposed to the ‘bricks and mortar’ that make up our democratic republic, for now. This is another important topic to closely examine, but later.

This will surprise about half of the country but the President of the United States is not the leader of the free World! If our country was a Monarchy, then yes, that would be true.

Many think of the President as a king. What he or she says, goes! Everything that happens while a president is in office is because we voted in that President. This goes for the good things and the bad ones as well.

Presidents talk a big game, and are willing to accept that premise, but the facts, ohhh, those facts always get in the way!

The founding fathers foresaw the issues that could come from a single executive running the whole show. Did you know there was a faction that wanted George Washington to be king of the Colonies?

Had George had the ego of Donald Trump, today the United States may be on its sixth or seventh king and not 45th President! (Maybe the Trump reference was a little harsh, but I think he had that coming…) 😊

So, if the President is not the ‘leader of the free World’, then who the hell is? The ‘framers’ decided in a triangle of power that would limit any single ‘side’ from taking over. Every Baby boomer knows the power is equally given to the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the often-forgotten Judicial Branch. The most powerful government in the free World is controlled by those three, together!

Did you know even if the President vetoes a bill, two-thirds majority of the House and Senate overrides that veto and the bill becomes law, against the President’s wishes? The House of Representatives holds the ‘purse strings’, controlling the funds needed for a President to do pretty much anything!

In fact, as we just witnessed a partisan House can impeach a President! An equally partisan Senate would have completely removed the President, that was duly elected by the people! Wow! It looks like the House and Senate wield as much power, if not more than the President?

And we haven’t even begun to mention the hidden third side of this triangle of power, the Legislative Branch. Now, this one gets complicated. The lower courts loaded with very partisan judges is another rabbit hole I must avoid here for brevity, but, within this branch, ‘the buck stops’, at the Supreme Court. And it pretty much does, as what the United States Supreme Court rules on is law!

But not really, as our framers even built a trap door to escape from a rogue Supreme Court! They can be overridden by a Constitutional Amendment which requires two-thirds majority of the House and Senate together, or two-thirds of the States, (34 out of 50), just to propose, and two choices to actually ratify that Amendment:

  1. The way all 27 Amendments have made it in, an approval of again, two-thirds majority of the House and Senate, then ratification by 38 of the 50 states (three-fourths).
  2. The Amendment can be first proposed by the states without Congress by a ‘Constitutional Convention’ of two-thirds of the states, (34 of 50)! And ratified, (again, without the House or the Senate), with 38 of the 50 states approvals!

And guess what role the almighty President plays in this? Zilch, nada, goose egg, zero, post toasties!

So, where does the buck stop? I see five places.

  1. Yes, the President
  2. Then equally with the House of Representatives,
  3. And the Senate
  4. The Supreme Court
  5. And you and me, the voter!

That’s the way the framers split the buck!

‘nuff said.
peaceful, and respectful comments are always welcome.

make your votes count?

Make your votes count?
a ®eMark from eMark ™

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! We are told by the great wizard that our votes will be securely counted even though more votes will be cast via ‘snail-mail’ than ever, in the history of our country!

I am by nature an excellent troubleshooter I have trouble-shot issues way above my pay grade successfully. I use unique and hard to find resources called, logic and common sense!

Let’s troubleshoot our 2020, mostly mail-in election. The USPS, the United States Post Office is a government organization. It is commonly believed to be ‘privatized’ in the ’70’s, but it was made an ‘independent’ government agency, similar to NASA, or the CIA.

So its near total failure is another great example of how inept government businesses can be. It’s lost about 60 Billion in the last ten years or so. The Constitution requires the Federal Government’s Executive branch to supply us, a United States Postal Service.

It would require removing or amending several Constitutional Amendments to fully ‘privatize’ the US Post Office! That is nearly impossible with today’s political landscape.

Because we have amazingly fast and convenient email, SMS communications, instant web postings, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and about a hundred more ways to communicate, we don’t use ‘snail-mail’ much anymore.

This lack of use and perhaps some less than superlative management decisions, has left the USPS in a pretty difficult situation. The way the current laws are structured ballots are not allowed to be transported by UPS, FedEx, Amazon, or any other delivery or mail service, just the failing USPS.

Has our basic troubleshooting steps found a weakness in our 2020 voting system yet? Hmmmm, let’s check. Way more ballots being delivered than ever before by a mailing system held together with chewing gum and bailing wire…

Nope! Everything’s fine here says Nancy Pelosi, (two heart beats away from the presidency of the United States). 

In fact, she and most of the high ranking Democratic Congress members are so confident in this system, they recommend not only allowing absentee ballots, (where you request a mail-in ballot and have it mailed to you), but mass-mailing unrequested ballots to addresses that may or may not be accurate and accepting those, whomever mails them back!

Literally a janitor at a high turnover tenement building could have 5 or 10 of these ballots and be able to fill them out and send them back in, and there would be no proof that he did that, and that those weren’t legitimate votes!

Don’t vote twice, is the new chant of State voting registrars. Why would they care if our voting system was secure? It should not be possible to vote twice, but this year it is almost a guarantee that it will happen!

Some including our president have been concerned that your mail-in vote may actually be lost and suggested that you should go to the polls and vote even if you’ve sent in your vote!

My great troubleshooting abilities tell me that if we are all on the ‘honor system’ this election, there will be massive abuse and ‘a hanging-chads hell’ in our future!

We truly may not know who the president is until March or April, and even then, there might be lawsuits running for a year or more to actually determine the next president of the United States.

If this were a computer I was troubleshooting, I would recommend a full scan, malware removal, and perhaps a reinstallation of the entire operating system!

Voting is not a federal responsibility. It is squarely in the laps of the states and counties, and if even one state sends out blind, unrequested ballots, I see a colossal train wreck on the way.

’nuff said
respectful comments are always welcome.