
This website has been a long time coming. I have wanted to make a site where all respectful opinions are welcome. Today there are way too many personal attacks and almost no honest, passionate, heartfelt discussion.

Trolls will be removed. Social media’s apparent desire for corporate profits seems to have allowed state-sponsored trolls into purely American discussions. Everyone should be allowed an opinion, but clearly not from misrepresented trolls programmed to cause angst and unrest among us.

We hope to grow sincere conversation from all sides, but our ‘troll radar’ will be alert. To be clear, an opinion is not ‘you suck’ or ‘dems are stupid’. Intelligent opinion is focused on facts, beliefs, and reasons.

When some feel they are losing an argument, they resort to name-calling and just want to upend the ‘chess board’!

If you have a valid point you should be able to make it without labeling groups, with demeaning jargon.

We do expect to have ‘heated’ debates and discussions, but if you insist on making your point by belittling others, you may find yourself off the site.

me, when they are out of root beer at quik trip!

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