make your votes count?

Make your votes count?
a ®eMark from eMark ™

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! We are told by the great wizard that our votes will be securely counted even though more votes will be cast via ‘snail-mail’ than ever, in the history of our country!

I am by nature an excellent troubleshooter I have trouble-shot issues way above my pay grade successfully. I use unique and hard to find resources called, logic and common sense!

Let’s troubleshoot our 2020, mostly mail-in election. The USPS, the United States Post Office is a government organization. It is commonly believed to be ‘privatized’ in the ’70’s, but it was made an ‘independent’ government agency, similar to NASA, or the CIA.

So its near total failure is another great example of how inept government businesses can be. It’s lost about 60 Billion in the last ten years or so. The Constitution requires the Federal Government’s Executive branch to supply us, a United States Postal Service.

It would require removing or amending several Constitutional Amendments to fully ‘privatize’ the US Post Office! That is nearly impossible with today’s political landscape.

Because we have amazingly fast and convenient email, SMS communications, instant web postings, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and about a hundred more ways to communicate, we don’t use ‘snail-mail’ much anymore.

This lack of use and perhaps some less than superlative management decisions, has left the USPS in a pretty difficult situation. The way the current laws are structured ballots are not allowed to be transported by UPS, FedEx, Amazon, or any other delivery or mail service, just the failing USPS.

Has our basic troubleshooting steps found a weakness in our 2020 voting system yet? Hmmmm, let’s check. Way more ballots being delivered than ever before by a mailing system held together with chewing gum and bailing wire…

Nope! Everything’s fine here says Nancy Pelosi, (two heart beats away from the presidency of the United States). 

In fact, she and most of the high ranking Democratic Congress members are so confident in this system, they recommend not only allowing absentee ballots, (where you request a mail-in ballot and have it mailed to you), but mass-mailing unrequested ballots to addresses that may or may not be accurate and accepting those, whomever mails them back!

Literally a janitor at a high turnover tenement building could have 5 or 10 of these ballots and be able to fill them out and send them back in, and there would be no proof that he did that, and that those weren’t legitimate votes!

Don’t vote twice, is the new chant of State voting registrars. Why would they care if our voting system was secure? It should not be possible to vote twice, but this year it is almost a guarantee that it will happen!

Some including our president have been concerned that your mail-in vote may actually be lost and suggested that you should go to the polls and vote even if you’ve sent in your vote!

My great troubleshooting abilities tell me that if we are all on the ‘honor system’ this election, there will be massive abuse and ‘a hanging-chads hell’ in our future!

We truly may not know who the president is until March or April, and even then, there might be lawsuits running for a year or more to actually determine the next president of the United States.

If this were a computer I was troubleshooting, I would recommend a full scan, malware removal, and perhaps a reinstallation of the entire operating system!

Voting is not a federal responsibility. It is squarely in the laps of the states and counties, and if even one state sends out blind, unrequested ballots, I see a colossal train wreck on the way.

’nuff said
respectful comments are always welcome.