A toxic media & PAC ‘rats gnaw at America’s free choice

a ®eMark from eMark ™
One too many parties

For a great many years there has been only two parties and the United States political arena. True, there is the Independent, the Communist party, the Tea party, the Green party, and a few others that just hover, but the new kid on the block is the most dangerous one yet!

Meet the Demonicrat party! Yes, it sounds a lot like the old Democratic party but it’s not! Real Democrats are leaving the Demonicrat party, if you’ll excuse the expression, like ‘rats abandoning a ship’! (No offense is intended to those real Democrats.)

Real Democrats allowed you to speak your mind, would welcome open conversation, and compromise!

Real Democrats were honest hard-working people that wanted a better life for everyone. Real Democrats knew the meaning of everyone! Real Democrats wanted law and order in the streets. Real Democrats believed in The United States of America. Real Democrats respected law and order and appreciated the sacrifice of those protecting us both foreign and domestic.

The Demonicrat party believes in violent overthrow, no discussion, no freedom of speech, no laws, no punishment, no rich people, no poor people, and total control of everything we do by their new Demonicrat government!

No wonder the real Democrats are talking refuge with the Republicans! Any shelter in a storm! Hopefully they can retake their party back in four years. There is no way a real Democrat wants to allow the DemonicRats to win in 2020. I know, I was one of them.

’nuff said
respectful comments are always welcome.

Special Note*

My original title of this post was ‘One too many parties’, but due to the Google Almighty search engine rules, it became way more inflammatory!

You see, Google advises people on how to gain ‘clicks’, (which can be monetized) by adding power words, emotional words, unusual words, etc…

Could it be that the ‘Don’t be Evil’ company is turning up the heat and actually encouraging bloggers and advertisers to stir up more emotion and controversy than they had intended, just to make more profit?

At the present time I make no money on this blog site. This was just a curious experiment that had me altering my blog title from, ‘One too many parties’ to ‘A toxic media & PAC ‘rats gnaw at America’s free choice’ gaining me a click score of 93 up from 45! Maybe Google’s SEO rules could be changed to help America ‘simmer down’?