I need a hero

a®eMark from eMark ™

I am not a believer in cancel culture. I have never called for or joined a boycott. I hear responses from angry people toward sports franchises. My first impression was chill!

But then I looked at it from a strictly personal point of view and find myself less intrigued by my favorite sports.

I am almost a qualified news junkie. I watch way too much news! One of my greatest pressure releases from all that news is sports.

Now these words go hollow to the people that believe they have the only solution to today’s problems, and no one else’s could possibly work.

But for those who continue to read with an open mind, I need a dependable pressure release. I watch three or four hours of news every day. 

I’m not just the passive news watcher, but I am constantly looking for the best solutions, one side or the other, knowing a solution can come from more than one direction.

This generates some angst, and emotion, and yes frustration. I believe in freedom of speech.

Clearly while eating a meal in a restaurant having someone come up and yell in your face put a finger up in an offensive gesture, threaten you, and/or make loud noise to intentionally upset you, is not freedom of speech, or a guaranteed constitutional right.

That was incorrectly ruled to be a connected part of freedom of speech. That is freedom of expression and I’m not sure the Constitution allows freedom of expression when that infringes on someone else’s private lives.

I’m sorry but I will say the supreme Court is wrong if they ruled that is part of freedom of speech. Clearly it is not in my ‘not so humble opinion.’

In this pressure cooker we live in today we all need ‘release valves’. Some drink alcohol, I don’t. Some get high on pot, I don’t. Some play golf, not me.

There are lots of ‘release valves’ but spectator sports are my favorite, especially football and baseball. 

But, when sports stars start overreacting to news ahead of any official investigation, and decide postpone games for a shooting, ignoring the other 70 daily to weekly in just Chicago alone, I need a more dependable ‘release valve’.

If every time a criminal gets shot somewhere in the country sports games are going to be delayed before any of the facts have been investigated, but children killed in the homes, or yards, and innocent neighbors in Chicago, Detroit, Portland, etc… are acceptable, then the shine has come off my sports heroes.

If they are good at public service, let them run for office. If they want to be civil rights leaders, change jobs. But from my personal perspective, I care about the problems, and I have my ideas as to what the best solutions would be.

And I would even listen to a quarterback or a pitcher, if they had an idea to make things better, but anyone who jumps the gun (pun intended), and refuses to play before all the facts are out, just adds more pressure rather than solving anything!

This has destroyed sports as my needed ‘release valve’. I need to find another one soon, so I don’t ‘boil over!’ 😳

’nuff said 
respectful comments are always welcome.